There is a subtle but powerful shift that takes place when you consciously withdraw your attention from identifying with your body, mind or emotions; what some know to make up who they are as a person, their personality, ego. It is not attempting to deny or dislodge the personality, mind, body or ego, that would be a tedious and fruitless activity. It is very simply, realizing that your attention, your focused awareness is like a genie in a bottle. It is a power that follows the direction given. It is a lot like magic, how the attention will flow where directed. If not consciously directed it, as a power, will flow outwardly. Outward flowing attention will settle on the things of this world to wash over. The materialistic world is a jambalaya of forms and sensations craving the nourishment of attention. Nourishment, yes, because attention is the subtlest energy of consciousness. It is very well known, that consciously focused attention on things or circumstances considered favorable is the essence of prayer and consciously focused attention on things or circumstances unfavorable is the essence of worry. This subtlest of energy of consciousness is magnetic. In the realm of thought is where its magnetic power is best displayed. If you would but take a moment and pay attention to just one thought. When we give one thought our full attention, what will gather around that one thought will be all other thoughts related to that one thought, seemingly flowing one after another, awaiting your conscious attention to light on them and draw all other related thoughts. This is sometimes referred to as the workings of our subconscious mind, but it can be made conscious. It is the creative energy of life, the creative divine intelligence that is the creator of all phenomena. It is Being.
The first thing you may notice, when the attention is removed from the things of the person, is that your attention becomes very focused as it is directed within. It is more than a thought, although it may be initiated from the thought process, it is more a feeling that translates into a knowing experience. It is a healing energy, it is source energy; alive and mimicking electricity. It is pure awareness in its finest facility. It is though a subtle observing takes place, a witnessing develops. Feel it as it washes over the entire stratum of the body, from the tiniest of particles which make up the space between atoms and the components of the atoms. It is a nourishing energy but it cannot be known through thought, it must be experienced. Experience inner body and reveal the fountain of youth that is the life within. It is the awareness in the body we so sometime tune into during meditation. When we do consciously tap into it during meditation, we are making our knowing of body a very present moment experience. Another term for that is Presence. Presence is not some otherworldly state, it is tuning your conscious attention, your portion of divine intelligence into present moment awareness. It is an effortless stillness within, a vibrantly alive peace. A peace that surrounds and permeates everything, all forms, including thought forms, all sensations. That vibrantly alive peace is sacred. All that contain and are contained within that vibrantly alive peace are sacred. All life is sacred! That sacredness is beyond the confines of definition; beyond the constraints of time; not the property of any one personality, group of believers, nation or world.